Thursday, January 7, 2016

Sports Day at School!

I think my school holds events every week, this is no joke. Every Friday (well most) we have no classes because something is going on. December 18th was sports day and the school was separated into two teams. Team Yellow and Team Purple. I was on team yellow and I was feeling confident on our chances of winning the trophy because I had some fast and smart kids on my team! They gave all the kids hats to wear and pompoms to cheer with! It was really exciting and felt like an O-Week back at Laurier, except with babies... We sang and played lots of games. There was relay races that all varied for each grade, more advanced for the K3's and easier things for K1. It was adorable to watch them get so excited and competitive at only 3-6 years old! They did basketball and raced on bikes it was such a fun day! My favourite was the tug of war because I was screaming at my team to pull and obviously led them to victory... then the real fun began! The teachers got to play tug of war against each other! Again from O-Week had lots of practice and kicked butt! Team Yellow won and the day was one of my favourite!

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