Friday, January 29, 2016

Koh Samet Round Two!

Koh Samet is almost becoming my second home! I love this island so much! I love it because it is not super touristy and busy like other well known islands in Thailand and it also is cheap to stay. Another plus is it only takes a 3 hour van ride to get to the island (whereas some you have to fly to or be on a bus for 10 hours!) Mary came with me this time to Koh Samet so we could celebrate her birthday! Mary was already in Bangkok dropping her sister off at the airport so we left for Rayong Province(where the dock is to take a boat over to the island) as soon as I was done at school. The van ride wasn't horrible but it wasn't great. We got stuck in the back seat which is the worst because you have to squeeze 4 people back there and the air never flows so it is extra hot and sweaty. When we finally arrived at the dock, we were hoping for others to be there so we could take a speed boat together to reduce the cost but after waiting 30 minutes we bit the bullet and just paid the full cost to get over to the island and get settled into our bungalow. We staid in the same place I did the first time, just because I felt comfortable knowing the area and loved the beach we stayed on! The first night was a quiet one because we were exhausted from the day and wanted to get an early start on the beach! When we woke up on the Saturday the weather was looking a little sad.... cloudy and rainy! UGH! Whyyyyyy!!! It hasn't rained much since I've been in Thailand, why now when I am on a beach. Mai pen rai, we are still on a beach and away from the city so I was still happy! After our delicious breakfast of pancakes and french toast the sun finally started to peek through! We got ready for the beach and walked around for a bit and saw a sign for parasailing! I got super excited and still had the adrenaline rush in me from zip lining and just want to do everything and anything now! So we handed over our money and jumped on the boat! The boat ride was a little bumpy, but once you were up in the air it was amazing. You could see such an amazing view of the island, beach and ocean! It was relaxing and beautiful! Then near the end of the parasailing they bring you down close to the water so you touch it and then swing you back up high! It was so much fun and a great start to the day! Then Mary and I just laid on the beach and got our read on. If I could spend every weekend on the beach reading books, I would! It is honestly my happy place. We swam to the floating dock and laid out there for a bit, laid on the beach, swam... it was a great day! As the sun was starting to set we finally went for our massages on the beach, amazing. Coconut oil massages are my new favourite thing and dirt cheap. Im addicted. Then on our way back to the room we saw a sign for happy hour and it was ending in an hour, so we sat down to have some drinks! I had a long island icetea and it was soooo good! I have usually been drinking beer or whiskey but thought I would change it up and I'm so happy I did! It was delicious :) Once we had a good buzz going on, we went back showered and got ready to celebrate Mary's Birthday! We went to Naga bar because you have to experience the glow paint bar at least once. We had a couple drinks, met some friends and moved on to a bar closer to our bungalow. Then we met a wedding party! We had noticed a wedding going on further down the beach and joked about crashing it, but they came to us! They were at the same bar and having a great time and invited us to have some drinks with them! It was so much fun and such a diverse group! It was a Thai woman and her friends and a Spanish guy and his friends. It was an overall great night with new friends! The next morning we planned to leave earlier so Mary could catch her bus back to her town 3 hours of Bangkok, so we had breakfast and went to the docks to catch the 12 ferry back. Overall it was another great weekend on the beach and once again made me super thankful to have gotten to come to Thailand and experience life to the fullest.

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