Monday, January 11, 2016

December 19

I knew this day was going to be extra hard spending it alone without family, and around this time I started feeling a little homesick so I wanted to find something fun to do to celebrate Brandon. I decided to spend the day eating good food, drinking beer and show Brandon around Bangkok. I brought my dog tag of Brandon with me and snapped some pictures of him in Bangkok. We started off the day at a pub, because I wanted to celebrate him and the times we had together. Bully's Pub looked good and had a sign that said happy hour from 11-4 so why not! Well it turned out to be the perfect place for lunch because they had Bud. I have not found a restaurant yet in Bangkok that serves Bud.... super weird but it was meant to be! So I had a Bud, or two watched some soccer on the TV, because having hockey playing would have been madness lol. I started my long walk down the busy streets of Bangkok stopping at little stands to buy some souvenirs and food along the way. I found this to be such a great way to see my city. Usually I will google somewhere to go and I will take the BTS (sky train) and get off at that stop. I walked the distance of 5 BTS stops and it took me about 3 hours but it was fun to see everything that goes on in between each BTS stop. It allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone (which I didn't think I really had one) lol, but I was alone in the busy streets with so much going on around me. I felt lost at times and started to freak out, but then in those times I found myself as silly as that may seem. I was okay with not knowing where I was and no one could speak the same language as me. I felt myself blending in as I tried to speak more thai, and just trying food I would never before or could even say what was in it. But I tried it and the food was awesome and I found my way back to the BTS. Every thing worked out. I then had heard about a market going on in Bangkok and thought it would be fun to do. It was called MAP Weekend Festival and was filled with food venders and food trucks and so many things to buy! First things first I got a beer from the beer tent. I asked them to pour me their favourite, and it was good! I think this stand was a craft beer or Thailand because I had never heard of the company before. Then the food!!! I got a rotee (which are super popular in Thailand) and it is like a crepe with fruit. Mine had kiwi, strawberries, bananas and nutella :) I bought lots of stuff as well because it was all cheap and got some new earrings and a ring. I had to get my secret santa gift still as well so I found a mug, change purse and cactus (they were suppose to be funny gifts). I ended the night with getting a stone oven pizza made from this food truck that had a big line... so it must be good! And it was :) I had a great day that made me feel more independent in Thailand, it helped knowing I have a big brother keeping an eye out for me up above. xo

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