Sunday, December 27, 2015

My First Trip to the Hospital

Don't worry!!!!! Nothing bad happened to me! I had to go to the hospital to get blood work done for my work permit because I am only allowed to stay in the country longer than 90 days if I got checked for tuberculosis and syphilis. Two weird things to make sure I don't have but I'm all good and can stay! I hate needles as many of you know, so when my coordinator told me she planned a ride to drop me off at the hospital and to take a cab back I started to panic! I wasn't ready for this! I usually need a couple days to prep my mind and make sure I have juice if I start to feel faint and this was all too soon! When I arrived at the hospital I was nervous to approach the help desk because I wasn't sure if they would understand me, or if I would just start to cry right there. Well, they were super helpful and took all my information and asked me about allergies and showed me in the right direction. This hospital was huge and very clean and one of the nicest I have ever seen! It was easy to navigate and signs were also in English. When I got to the check-up area they took my slip to see what they were checking and asked me to sit and wait. As I waited they offered me water and were all very kind. The ladies who were working behind the desk all looked so clean and nicely dressed, it was such a big difference from my local doctor back at home. When a nurse came and directed me to a room I started to shake. How can I be so afraid of one little needle. I have tattoos and want many more. I've endured pain so much worse than one little needle. I even came across the world by myself, how can I be scared of this. I kept repeating encouraging thoughts to myself in my head and when she finally pricked me with the needle to draw blood.... I cried like a baby..... ughhhh. I suck lol. I don't think I will ever get rid of my fear of the doctors office and needles. The poor nurse thought she hurt me and felt so bad, which made me feel bad, but I was quickly out of there and they told me my blood results would be ready in an hour. In the meantime I dried my tears and watched the Tv that was in the waiting room. Then they doctor had to do a physical exam which just required her to check my breathing, weight, heart rate, and ask some questions. She did ask if my family tells me I'm fat.... thank lady lol. Fat in Thailand is almost used as a shape instead of an insult. I was told this during my orientation and to not take it personally. Even my friend Mary who is half my size has been called fat by people in her town. It still hurts though lol. When we were done on my way out they gave me a hospital card with all my information and told me if I ever need to com again just show this card and they can pull up my file instantly. I thought that was pretty neat! It also made me feel assured I would be okay if I ever came in an emergency I would be okay.

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