Sunday, March 27, 2016

Valentine's Day

Valentine's Day at my school was so much fun! I didn't know what to expect or if they celebrated Valentine's the same way we do in Canada. Well let me tell you, it is a big deal here!!!! My first clue was all the hard work we put into the decorations the night before. I personally cut out 200 hearts to be used during a game we had planned for the next day at school. My hand was so sore but it did look cool! The kids don't hand out Valentine cards here, but instead stickers!!! And oh boy, I don't think I have ever seen so many stickers before in my life! Every student had brought in a pack of stickers and walked around sticking them on all their friends and me! My shirt was covered and it made me feel so loved. This school, the teachers and students has made Thailand become home to me and on this day I could not stop smiling. All of the teachers brought gifts in for each other. I felt bad because I didn't get them anything (I didn't think Valentine's Day was so big here). I got pens, stickers, chocolates, flowers, and the principal at my school got me a beautiful shirt! My student Ethan got me a chocolate rose and Haruka got me a yummy Kit-Kat!!! All the teachers kept asking if I was going to dinner with my boyfriend, after saying no 100 times, they thought it was strange I didn't have special plans. Well on Sunday I found out why...... while I was at the mall every couple was holding some sort of Valentine gift!!! Girls were carrying around dozens of roses, balloons, stuffed animals and more! Even the guys were holding flowers or gifts they had received too! It was insane how they exchanged gifts in public, then walked around showing off their gifts! I mean yea in Canada we do gifts and chocolates and it's a holiday celebrated by couples, but I was so surprised!!! I did celebrate Valentine's Day by going to the movies!!!! I saw Deadpool and it was great!!! I loved it way more than I thought I would. It was hilarious and everyone should go see it :) 

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