Saturday, March 12, 2016

Chinese New Year Weekend!

I started off my Chinese New Year weekend by doing a 5K run to raise money for Cancer. It was at Lumphini Park, which I never knew existed until this weekend. There are actually so many parks in the city that make you feel as if you are out of the city! The run was very busy and so many people came out for the great cause. This is the only run or fundraising in Thailand that goes towards cancer research and a Canadian helps run the event!!! They are hoping to expand the fundraising possibilities but it isn't something that Thailand is doing right now. It was weird because Canada does so much for research and fundraising for cancer and schools, communities, runs and so many other people help raise money. I was happy to help where I could. It was really hot out even though the race started bright and early at 8 am, so I didn't run the whole 5K but I'm proud of what I did! After the race they had free ice cream, and coffee and were giving away prizes!
Then that afternoon I met up with Mary and her friend Erin to go visit China town! Yes there is a China town in Thailand, and what better day to visit it but on the Chinese New Year! It was very busy and a lot was happening! They had fruit everywhere and food stalls, and Chinese traditional clothing for sale. There was also a lot of gold stores all down the streets. I have heard if I want to buy any gold to go to China town because it is a fair price and real! The streets began to fill with people to the point you could not move anymore, so we decided to head back into the city. We went to my favourite little place to eat W-District and had some dinner and drinks. It was interesting to see China town but I don't think I'll be rushing back, a little to busy for my liking. The next morning I met up again with the girls to go to the Chatuchak Weekend Market, which was amazing! I loved this place so much! They had everything and anything you could possibly think of. They sold clothing, shoes, food, desserts, souvenirs, home decor, and so much more. You could spend hours walking down all the secret paths to find new shops! I spent a lot of money here buying things to send home :) Well a lot of money in Thai terms but probably only $40. We then headed to the nearby park to sit down and have a rest. While we were sitting there some Thai University students came and asked if they could ask us some questions. This has happened to me about 3 times now. International schools want the students to have confidence to speak English to foreigners, so as an assignment they are asked to interview people and speak English while getting it on video. I feel famous when this happens!! lol My guy was so nervous but did a good job! Then called it an early night because school was in the morning! We celebrated the Chinese New Year at school with games and food! The kids all dressed up in traditional clothing and looked adorable!!!!!! The teachers made crab, prawns and rice for lunch and it was delicious! I love all the seafood here! The food will definitely be missed when I return home.

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