Friday, March 11, 2016

My Sak Yant Tattoo

This was one of the most special things I have done in my life. I had done some research into the Sak Yant tattoos for a couple months and knew it was something I wanted. With my birthday approaching I thought it would be a cool gift to give to myself. Sak Yant tattoos are beleieved to be magical and bestow mysitcal powers, protection, and good luck. These tattoos are done by monks in the Wat Bang Phra temple. There are many different rooms in the temples and different monks in each room. Some monks are known for specialities or ways of tattooing. Most use a sharpened bamboo needle to do the tattoo, others use a traditional tattoo gun. The ink is also made by the monks and some of the ink is known to have snake venom in it. Thai people have many of these tattoos all over their bodies. The tattoo loses its magical power over time so you have to get a new one to protect yourself again. While waiting to get mine done I saw many Thai males with tattoos that covered their entire backs and chest. It was amazing the detail and time they have put into these sacred tattoos and made me realize that they are so much more than tattoos and by getting one I should respect the meaning. My friend Elise wanted one as well so she came up the night before to stay in Bangkok so we could take a bus to the Temple the next morning. We read the earlier you get to the temple the smaller the line, so we woke up at 5:30 am to catch the 7:00 am bus. The temple is in the city of Nakhom Chai Si, which is in the province of Nakhom Pathom. It took about and hour and a bit to get to the bus station and then a 20 minute motorbike ride to the Temple. The motorbike ride seemed a lot longer because there was three of us on the bike and I was on the back so my feet didn't have room on the pegs and I had to hold them up myself giving them one hell of a workout! Once we got to the Temple we found our way to a room, we didn't know the difference so this one worked for us! We bought a carton of cigarettes, flowers, and incenses as payment for the tattoo. It cost a total of 75 baht which is around $3. When we got into the room there was around 30 people already waiting to be tattooed. We got in line and waited our turn. There was also a couple from Europe who were waiting to get tattoos as well. There were two monks giving tattoos in the room we were in. One was doing the traditional bamboo needle tattoo but he only gives the tattoos to males. Monks can't touch females so it becomes more difficult to do females, so I guess he just decides not to do them. The other monk used a gun to do the tattoos, and the Thai people in the room said he is really good and known for his work. So we got in line and shuffled our bums as people got their tattoos. Watching the others in line get tattoos was such an amazing  experience. Some people were covered in tattoos and others were getting their first Sak Yant tattoo just like me. While one person was getting their tattoo, two others that were in line would help hold your skin tight while the monk gave you the tattoo. The tattoos went very quickly in about two hours I probably saw about 25 people get tattoos done. Then very quickly it was my turn and the Thai people next to me were motioning me to go next. I got very nervous and felt my face go white. I got up to the monk bowed down and put some tip money into his bowl beside him. I took of my cardigan turned around and hoped for the best. With the Sak Yant you do not know what tattoo you will be receiving. The monk reads your aura and decides what tattoo you should get. The small room with about 50 people now was already hot but as soon as I felt that familiar sting of the needle the instantly began to sweat. I did not want to show pain as I had an audience and I wanted to embrace the meaning of the symbol that would now be on my left shoulder for the rest of my life, and like that in 5 minutes the tattoo was done. As the monk wiped the tattoo clean he blew on it and whispered the blessing into the tattoo. I thanked him and it was done. No words exchanged between myself and the monk but he just gave me a gift that would always remind me of my special time in Thailand. Elise was up next and had a more difficult time. This was her first tattoo so she was making faces of pain, then almost passed out when she tried to stand up!!! So we got out of the hot room and sat outside and got a bite to eat. Then some of our new Thai friends showed us another room of the temple where we could get another blessing done by the head monk. We gave a 40 baht offering (around $1.25) which gave us a package to bring up to the monk. When we got to him he spoke to me a bit and asked where I was from and if I had just received a tattoo. He dipped his sticks (I don't know the technical term for them) in his blessed water and tapped it in my head. Then his assistant took a gold fleck and placed it on my forehead. The monk then asked me to stick out my tongue and placed another gold fleck on it. They place these gold flecks on Buddha images all the time, so it made me feel special. Then he said another blessing for me. This day was amazing, except the fact that the needles are never changed and I could get Hep C (but the chances are low and the tattoo is magical and will cure me of the illness right?). So the final product the monk chose for me is called the Hah Taew, 5 lines Sak Yant. This is a very popular one given to women in Thailand. When I began researching the tattoo I would then look around to see if people had them and this is the one I saw the most. The five lines represent 5 magical spells.
1. The first row prevents unjust punishment and leans in your favour when the area is grey, cleans out unwanted spirits and protects the place you live in.

2. The second row reverses and protects against bad horoscope constellations and bad fortune.

3. The third row protects you from the use of black magic and anyone who tries to put a curse on you.

4. The fourth row energizes your good luck, success and fortune in your future ambitions and life style.

5. The fifth row is to gain charisma and attraction to the opposite sex. It is also is a boost to the fourth row. The origins of the Hah Taew is magic power born from the four elements, fire, water, air and earth.

I feel blessed to have had this experience and would definitely go back to receive another one if I get the chance... even though my mom would probably kill me :)  

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