Monday, December 7, 2015

Loi Krathong!

Loi Krathong was celebrated at my school and in the country of Thailand on November 25. Loi Krathong is a festival where people making floating baskets (Krathong's) of natural materials that are then floated on a river. When you put your Krathong in the river you make a wish as you release it. The Krathong's are all different but everyone I saw was very beautiful. The celebration at my school took place in the morning and the students were sent home a letter asking them to bring in a Krathong and dress in traditional Thai clothing. The kids looked sooooo cute! I have some pictures on my facebook of this celebration if you want to take a look at some pictures :) We filled a kiddie pool with water to imitate a river, and each student got a chance to release their Krathong into the pool. It was really fun to see the kids wearing their traditional clothing and partaking in a Thai tradition that I was unfamiliar with. This job has taught me so much about the thai culture, their lifestyle and values. Thailand is a place of freedom and peace because the people are brought up with traditions and values that teach them this lifestyle. They give thanks for everything they have in their life and this festival is another way to show their thanks. I knew there was going to be events all over the city but I was unsure about the proper one to go too, and I didn't want to offend anyone by doing something wrong. Teacher Boom at my school asked me what I was doing and I told her nothing. She asked if I wanted to join her and another teacher to go with them to release a Krathong. I was very excited because I would get a very authentic experience of this tradition. Boom bought me a beautiful Krathong for the night and I was very excited. Boom or any of the teachers speak much English so I was still unsure of how the night would go, or what our plans were exactly. I was trying to ask what was appropriate to wear, what they were wearing, what time we were going out and received very unclear answers, but when in Thailand you go with the flow. I did not understand the time they were trying to tell me we were going at so I told them I would wait at the school until they finished work. On a usual work day I leave around 4:30pm. The first day they told me to leave at this time and I wait every day for them to tell me when to leave so it usually ranges between 4:30-5:00. Well they finish around 6:30pm everyday. They have to wait at the school until the last parent comes and picks up their kid. So finally when Ploy got picked up we headed towards my apartment. They told me to change and I put on an outfit they liked so I stuck with that. Then they asked if I wanted to sleep at their house because it was in the city close to the festival. I packed a change of clothes and a toothbrush and off we went! I was excited for my first sleep over with my Thai friends! We jumped on the back of motorbikes to make our way downtown because they are much quicker than a taxi. Once downtown it began to rain so we stopped for some dinner first! Then off to a temple we went. There was so many people in this temple it was difficult to move. They had food stalls and music and a long line to get to the river. We waited until our turn came and we lit our candles and incense on the Krathong and then said a wish and placed the Krathong in the river. It was very special to be apart of that experience with them because I saw how important it is to them. They held those Krathong's to their heads and prayed before they made their wish. After, we got a snack and headed back to their home. I was excited for this as well because I had not yet been into a Thai home. I was curious how similar and different it would be compared to my home.We walked down an alley and it looked like the one I walk down to school. it contained the same boarded up areas, which I assumed were run down business. But these gates on the front are the lock system for the homes that people live in. We we walked in and right away they had a living room space then a restaurant. Then you walked up some stairs and there was some rooms and a bathroom which was on the patio with a bucket shower. That was interesting when I took one! Saves water though which is really good for the environment! They have a lower tap and you fill the bucket scrub yourself and then dump water on yourself. This is very common in Thailand. Then another set of stairs and some more rooms. The three of us slept in one bed and woke up at the crack of 5:00 am. Boom asked for my uniform so she could iron it for school, we showered and off to school we went. Everyday I arrive at 8:00am, they arrive at 6:30am and clean the school while the students begin to arrive around 6:45. I was amazed at the hours they work and how hard they work. It made me feel bad, but my coordinator assured me my hours were fine, but for my one day being there early I helped sweep the school and rake all the leaves off the playground area. It was tiring, but made me feel apart of the school community. The teachers have really made me feel welcomed by always inviting me along and making sure I am okay and comfortable while I'm with them.

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