Sunday, April 24, 2016

Last Day of School Celebrations

The last day of the school year came so fast! I was excited to start my summer, but then when it came I was sad to see my oldest kids leave and head to grade 1. I had become so close to my K3's as I spent most of my day with them and each one of them will forever have a special place in my heart. Time is so bright and always looking for new and fun games to play with the class. Hessed her best friend was always laughing and brought a smile to my face. Nicha always wanted to cuddle. She was very emotional but I saw how big of a heart she had. Reggie was my boy and translator lol. His dad is from America so he speaks English to him so Reggie was always helping explain things to the class if I couldn't get my point across. Angelo always loved to be the centre of attention and I loved his mom always running to pick him up to rush him off to soccer (football) games. Michael was a little trouble maker but always kept me on my toes to try and think of exciting ways to engage the class. PangPond was quiet and didn't always participate in class, but during play time loved to make all the kids laugh! Akin had great English speaking skills but was very lazy when it came to writing. I spent a lot of time trying to push him to do his best and his mom thanked me at the end of the year because she noticed his writing had improved, which made me so happy! Joe was the ladies man of my class. He was always the hero in games saving the princess's and always sneaking hugs with me when he could. Hoshi was very special to me. His mom and the school would say he was just trouble and a bad boy but when I observed him I believe he had a learning disability and found it hard to concentrate in the classroom. I made it my goal to change that and would give him special tasks or jobs to do when I noticed he was starting to drift or getting antsy. He built a special bond, and I will never forget him. And lastly Mao Mao. Oh goodness, this kid was smart! He always loved to challenge me and make me laugh. He understood some of my sarcasm when everyone else would not, so we had our own jokes which made the class fun! I will miss them all dearly!
Oh yes, so the last day of school was the graduation ceremony for the K3's and they all dressed up in their gowns and got pictures taken together. They all looked so cute! All the parents had attended this last day as well. Then we had the talent show! Every class participated in the talent show except for the nursery. Each class learned numerous dances that they had been practising for months everyday during lunch at school. I could not believe the dances these 3-5 year olds were doing!!! I was so impressed! A couple of students were in multiple dances so we had to do costume changes and fix their hair and make up, it was hectic! I thought it would be a nice relaxing last day of school where I got to watch all the dances, but nope I was behind the scenes helping put on costumes but that's okay!! The K3 girls did a traditional Thai dance and it was beautiful! All the other dances were fun and cute all with the theme of the circus! The night before the teachers and I had stayed until 8 pm putting up all the decorations, but it was well worth it! It looked amazing and the parents were all impressed and once again so was I! When it was all finished many parents took their kids home, some stuck around for snacks and drinks and I got some pictures with the kids looking adorable in their costumes! It was a fun last day, but sad to see my K3's move on to grade 1. But now it was time for summer and Dad and Debby were on their way in a couple of days to Thailand!!

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