Sunday, December 27, 2015

My First Trip to the Hospital

Don't worry!!!!! Nothing bad happened to me! I had to go to the hospital to get blood work done for my work permit because I am only allowed to stay in the country longer than 90 days if I got checked for tuberculosis and syphilis. Two weird things to make sure I don't have but I'm all good and can stay! I hate needles as many of you know, so when my coordinator told me she planned a ride to drop me off at the hospital and to take a cab back I started to panic! I wasn't ready for this! I usually need a couple days to prep my mind and make sure I have juice if I start to feel faint and this was all too soon! When I arrived at the hospital I was nervous to approach the help desk because I wasn't sure if they would understand me, or if I would just start to cry right there. Well, they were super helpful and took all my information and asked me about allergies and showed me in the right direction. This hospital was huge and very clean and one of the nicest I have ever seen! It was easy to navigate and signs were also in English. When I got to the check-up area they took my slip to see what they were checking and asked me to sit and wait. As I waited they offered me water and were all very kind. The ladies who were working behind the desk all looked so clean and nicely dressed, it was such a big difference from my local doctor back at home. When a nurse came and directed me to a room I started to shake. How can I be so afraid of one little needle. I have tattoos and want many more. I've endured pain so much worse than one little needle. I even came across the world by myself, how can I be scared of this. I kept repeating encouraging thoughts to myself in my head and when she finally pricked me with the needle to draw blood.... I cried like a baby..... ughhhh. I suck lol. I don't think I will ever get rid of my fear of the doctors office and needles. The poor nurse thought she hurt me and felt so bad, which made me feel bad, but I was quickly out of there and they told me my blood results would be ready in an hour. In the meantime I dried my tears and watched the Tv that was in the waiting room. Then they doctor had to do a physical exam which just required her to check my breathing, weight, heart rate, and ask some questions. She did ask if my family tells me I'm fat.... thank lady lol. Fat in Thailand is almost used as a shape instead of an insult. I was told this during my orientation and to not take it personally. Even my friend Mary who is half my size has been called fat by people in her town. It still hurts though lol. When we were done on my way out they gave me a hospital card with all my information and told me if I ever need to com again just show this card and they can pull up my file instantly. I thought that was pretty neat! It also made me feel assured I would be okay if I ever came in an emergency I would be okay.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

Go Pro Pictures!

Mary's Visit to Bangkok!

Finally spent a weekend in Bangkok which was nice to do some exploring in my own city! Mary came to visit because she was doing the half marathon on the Sunday. She arrived on Friday early evening and after catching up we went to Ekkamai gateway mall to grab some dinner. Mary teaches in a small town so she was excited to get some westernized food. We got pretzels, pizza and ice cream! Was very delicious :) Then we got invited out by my new friend Jenna to a pub style restaurant/bar called Sway. This was the first place I had seen draft beer so that excited me! This place was very expensive though so I only had a couple drinks! Then after Sway we took a taxi to Soi 11 which is a popular street with many bars. First we went to Aussie Bar which had a live band doing covers in English. It was really fun and the bar was full of both tourists and locals. After this bar we went to another called Levels. This was a rooftop bar and really cool! Once again very expensive because it is a tourist street so they can jack up the prices. This bar was also full of both tourists and locals. We had fun dancing all night, and I mean all night. I don't think Mary and I got back to my apartment until 3am!!! Before we got home we had to stop at the 7 Eleven and get a toasty for the ride home. They are so delicious and I'm addicted! It's a croissant with ham and cheese and they warm it up in a toaster at the 7 Eleven... to die for :) We had a little bit of a sleep in then we travelled more into downtown Bangkok to the Rama 8 bridge. This is the area that Mary's half marathon race was taking place. Mary got a hotel room in the area because the race started at 5 am and it was about half hour from my apartment, and she invited me to come along and take advantage of the pool and comfy beds! We had a nice afternoon swim and laid by the pool! I got really into my book, The Luckiest Girl Alive! Highly recommend it... sooo good! Then we went to register Mary and get her shirt. On our way back we got dinner at this cute little restaurant! I had Pad Thai! Still one of my favourite dishes here to eat, as well as Pad See Ew (which I had for lunch). We went to bed early because Mary had to be up so early! When Mary's alarm went off she got ready and I wished her luck! She predicted it would take around 2 hours to finish so I planned to go down and watch her cross the finish line. I went back to bed for a bit and then on my way to the finish line I went and saw the largest Buddha I have seen here in Thailand so far. It was so beautiful and nice to see so early in the morning. The gold Buddha glowed in the morning sun, it was amazing. When I finally met up with Mary she had found some other people in our program that signed up for the race as well and we all planned to meet for lunch later in the afternoon! We went back to the hotel and Mary had a nap and shower. I read more of my book! Then we got ready to sign out and our mission to find the Mexican restaurant began! The streets are very confusing in Bangkok, but after some help we found the restaurant. Mary and I got nachos to share and then I had some tacos. It was truly amazing after living on a diet of rice and noodles throughout my stay for far. I mean I love rice and noodles but it's nice to get a taste of food I would have at home as a treat! Then we all parted our separate ways as Mary's bus was the opposite direction of my apartment. It is always nice to see Mary. We have become very good friends and I know after I return from Thailand I will be making a visit to Boston to see her.

Friday, December 18, 2015

Best Weekend Ever! Kanchanaburi !!!!!

So this has been my favourite weekend so far in Thailand and one of the best in my life! I have heard many great things from everyone that has already visited Kanchanaburi, but I was finally excited to experience it myself, and on a long weekend so I got one extra day! Friday night after school a group of us met up at the Victory Monument van/minibus station and got our tickets! Vans are an okay way to travel. I would prefer a bus even though they take longer, but that's because the van drivers are crazy! And the pack the vans so full, it can get uncomfortable. They can usually fit around 10 people, so they sell 10 tickets.... but there is no truck so your bags must stay on your lap or go in the small walkway. Well we all had our big travelling backpacks so we were squished in. This however, was not the worst part. This driver I swear needs his license to be taken away. This is a summary of his driving. Gas, break, gas, break, gas, break, speed swerving through traffic, make own lane on shoulder lane, break, gas, break, drive on the wrong side of the road (yes he did this because there was no traffic on that side of the road, then cut back in), u-turn, gas, break, u-turn, break. Also the music was so loud you couldn't talk to the person next to you, and it was club music. The look on all of our faces was priceless. It was a mixture of I'm going to throw up, WTF is going on, and I have a migraine. I had to laugh because I mean what else do you do. We got in pretty late, so we went to bed that night right away! The guesthouse we stayed at was really nice! Right on the water the beds were comfier than most so that was a plus! When we woke up I got to see the view and it was nice being on the water with the sunrise! We got up nice and early to beat the tourists at Erawan National Park. This is where the Erawan Falls are and because it was the King's birthday on that day we knew it would have foreigners and locals just celebrating. The National Park opened at 7, so we planned on going for around then. We didn't realize it took about an hour to get there, but we arrived around 8. We got a songtao (pickup truck with seats in the back) to drive us there and he gave us a good price and waited at the park until we were done to drive us back! Erawan isn't just one waterfall, it is a hike with 7 main waterfalls and other small ones along the way up! The hike wasn't as bad as Khao Yai National Park and not as many steps, but it was still tough. At the waterfalls here though you could stop and swim! The water was so blue and beautiful it felt magical. We got there at the perfect time and no one else was really swimming, but then that just meant we were the only white people for the Thai's to look at. They all swim with their clothes on and we didn't want to do that, so we gave them something to whisper about lol. The water was a little chilly but very refreshing about climbing. At one of the waterfalls there was a rock slide, and man was that fun! This was probably one of the busier waterfalls. Even with all the people swimming around, all these fish would surround you! They would actually nibble on your feet and eat the dead skin off! At first I would scream every time I felt a fish but then you embraced it, and it felt kind of cool! I got some great pictures of this beautiful places, but they still do not do justice! It was one of the most beautiful sights I have ever seen! On the way back down we bumped into Jessie, Annie and Bailey (there bus was late). We went back to the guesthouse to shower and have a nap then out to dinner! We ended up at this pizza place, which was amazing!!! Mary and I shared a pizza and salad and I was in heaven! You don't see salads too often, so it's nice to have a good salad! Then we called it a night because we wanted to be refreshed for the elephants the next day!!!!!! We had breakfast at the guesthouse which was good! Eggs and toast with bacon :) The songtao came and got us at 9... but there was a larger group than I think the driver expected and we all wouldn't fit... we tried but they called another guy to come and get those who didn't fit. It was about a 45 min drive to elephant world as the first thing we see when we pull in is elephants! They had some eating from the trees right at the front and I was in love. Elephants are so beautiful. We signed in and then out day began! As soon as we got there they gave us some information about elephants and how to be safe around them. Then they told us to grab a basket and directed us towards the elephants! The basket included pumpkins, mangos, bananas, watermelons and corn. It was sooo cool giving the food to the elephants. How they grab it with their truck then throw it into their mouth was actually really cool to watch! Then off we were to start making sticky rice balls for the older elephants. During an elephants life they lose their teeth about 5 times when they are 20,30,40,50 and 60. So after 60 most elephants don't have any teeth. In the wild the most common way to die for an elephant is starvation because they can't eat much without teeth. So we cut up pumpkin into very small pieces and cooked some sticky rice, we then went to have lunch ourselves while the rice cooled. We came back and mixed the rice, pumpkin with pellets filled with nutrients and calcium to help them get the good stuff they need. Then we got to feed them :) this time sticking the rice balls right into their mouth. Omg... their tongues felt sooooo weird but so cool lol Then we got to watch the elephants give themselves a mud bath. It helps keep them cool and avoid getting a sunburn because Asian elephants have very sensitive skin and even though their skin is 2 inches thick they can still get a sunburn! It was so cute watching them all throw dirt and mud on their backs. The two babies were playing around with each other and their adoptive mother following close by. It was again so magical watching them interact with each other. They are such smart animals. We also got to see a mahout (people who work with the elephants) work with the blind elephant. It was so neat to watch her help guide this huge elephant that could crush here through the water and to food, because he can not do that anymore. All of the elephants at elephant world are rescued and come because they have been abused or hurt and they bought them from the people who mistreated them. They really do great things for the elephants. Makes me want to go back and volunteer some more. Then we went and cut down some corn stalks and bana grass for the elephants to eat... yes more food. Elephants need a lot of it! Look how big they are! So we cut it down put it on a truck and then dumped it off for the elephants to eat! After that was bath time! We got to get into the water and help bath the elephants. I was lucky enough to get to sit on an elephant. When done correctly it doesn't hurt the elephant. You should never sit on an elephants back. It is the weakest point on their body. They should have a hump but many don't from being used as a tourist attraction and people sitting on their backs and hurting them. Sitting on their neck is okay, this is the strongest place on their body! We also did it in the water so it takes off even more pressure. I was the first to get on and the mahout asked me if I could swim, I said yes and told me to hold on and all of a sudden the elephant was rolling over and dunking us in the water!!!! I was not expecting that but wow was that fun! The elephant did it a couple more times in between me rubbing the dirt off his head and ears. It was so cool. Something I will never forget. Once the elephants were clean we went back to where we started this morning and grabbed more baskets to feed them again. This time I was feeding an elephant named Malee. She used to work the streets of Bangkok and beg for money for her owner. Then one day a truck hit her leg, leaving her badly wounded. She is an older elephant and still to this day and does not use that leg a lot. While we were feeding her, you could see her leg lifting and she would only stand on three. This visit to see the elephants inspired me to educate people on how they are treated at Zoo's and trekking camps and please do not support this. After this we all headed back to the guesthouse, napped, showered and got ready for the night! We went out for dinner at this vegan restaurant, and hands down the best food I have ever had in my life. omg so goooooood. Soo good we went back for lunch the next day and got takeout to take home. Then we hit the town! There is a bar stand on the corner of a street and you can get 10 baht shots!!!! (a dollar is about 30 baht).... yea so we stayed there for a while! Then we just wondered from bar to bar having a really good time :) I was so happy to be surrounded by my new friends who are awesome, and just dancing like fools. As silly as it is I felt really happy in that moment and free. Like I was meant to be here with these people, who will now be life long friends. Everything in thing in this town closes at midnight, but the guesthouse next to us was having an after party, but we mainly just went for the puppies because they had the cutest dogs ever!!!! The next morning we had breakfast did a little shopping on the street and then headed home in a nice squishy van again! Best weekend ever :)

Father's Day (King's Birthday)

So in Thailand Father's Day is the same day as the King's birthday because they see him as the father of their country. He has been king for 69 years, so it has always been this way. Decorations around the city and all throughout Thailand began weeks before to prepare for the day! We got an extra day off because of this celebration giving me a long weekend! On Thursday at school, we had our own celebration for the King and everyone was told to wear yellow. This means that the King was born on a Monday. All the days of the week have corresponding colours and this than becomes "your" colour. I found this very interesting because I have always loved the colour green and turns out Wednesday's colour is green (the day I was born on). So I wore a nice bright almost neon yellow shirt... well I stuck out more than usually because apparently there is only one shade of yellow in Thailand and everyone else was wearing that colour and almost the same shirt, and next to them my shirt looked green and I was so embarrassed but they gave me an A+ for effort. We had a monk come to our school and accept offerings, this is something that is very common for schools to do around the King's birthday. I was not told about this, so I was the only one without an offering, but the monk did come and put blessed water on my head and wished me good luck with my time in Thailand. It was very cool to experience this and makes me want to look into a temple visit where I can meet some more monks and ask them some questions about Buddhism and their lifestyle because I find it very interesting. Then on Friday we had a Father's Day celebration! The theme of the party was superheroes because all Dad's are heroes! Invitations were sent out the week before inviting all of the Dad's to come in for the party and accept a gift, play games, and eat food! I never really know what is going on, they give me little bits of information to keep me in the loop, but when I arrived the next day... WOW! The decorations they set up were amazing! I would have loved to have helped but I didn't know they were doing this! Next time there is a party, I know to come early even if they don't ask to set up lol! I was told to wear all black that day and when I arrived I was giving a green cape! I felt just like a superhero! Chairs were set up all in the yard for the parents to sit on, superhero symbols were hanging from strings and there was even a superman cut out! I was amazed and excited to take this idea and use it for myself in my own classroom one day :) Slowly parents and students began to arrive and when everyone was settled we began the day! First we had the Dads sit on chairs and their kid would come up to them thank them for being the best Dad ever and give them a superhero card and a pin that said my hero! Then we set up different stations with games and they had to successfully complete the challenge to go to the next station and when you finished you would win a prize (everyone won something). The school had a station set up with coffee, chocolate milk, and this red drink I see everyone drinking but still don't know what it's called. It is very sweet and nothing I have ever tasted before. They also had buns with either custard or ham and cheese in the middle, which are also very popular in Thailand I have noticed. The party was over around noon, and most parents took their kids home, but some had to go to work so for the rest of the day we just played games with the kids. This day was so fun, but also very hard. Made me miss my Dad very much. A few tears might have been shed, and a parent caught me... it was embarrassing (something I do frequently to myself lol).

Sunday, December 13, 2015

Koh Samet Island!

Koh Samet was a trip I have wanted to do since I arrived in Thailand! It is one of the islands that is closer to Bangkok and most areas have not gotten too touristy yet, so it is a nice beach to lay on because there are not too many crowds. I left after school on Friday like I do for all my weekend trips! Becky was meeting me at the Southern Bangkok Bus Terminal which was only a 10 min motorbike ride from my apartment. We got a ticket for a minibus, which in Thailand is a larger minivan that can hold approx. 10 people. If the van is full your bag usually rests on your lap on in the small middle aisle so they can get really crowded if everyone has a larger backpack. The van ride was one of the best I have had so far. It was a smooth drive and we arrived at the docks in around 2 and a half hours. We got in later so the ferry was not running again until the morning. This meant that we had to take a speedboat. We were told the waves were too big to take us right to our beach where our bungalow was but they could take us to the nearest dock and then we would have to take a songtao (pick-up truck with seats in the back) to our place. This was fine because we already booked the bungalow for that night and didn't want to wait until morning. It was a little expensive, but I understand why. It was about midnight, the sea black and the waves big. I'm okay in boats, but man was I scared!! I could not see the waves but my guess was we were going over about 10 foot waves. The boat would slow down a bit, we would go up and come down with a thump! I was laughing because all I could think about was my mom not approving of this boat ride, but Becky was holding on for dear life and looked like she might either cry or throw up, or possibly both. Once we got to safety... I mean land, it was a short 5 min songtoa ride and we had arrived! We were also meeting my new friend Jenna there with 3 of her friends. Jenna greeted us at the beach showed us to our room and the night had only begun! First, I was starving so this little restaurant on the beach was serving burgers, perfect! Then Jenna was sharing her large, cheap bucket of booze with us before we headed to the bar! Naga bar on Koh Samet island is famous. If you ever go there you have to go to this bar! Its a glow paint bar where the walls are covered in paint that glows and you get paint to cover yourself in! They play Western music so I was jamming out to Justin Bieber while sipping on my incredibly strong whiskey bucket of booze that cost next to nothing! It was a really fun night! When we woke up our bungalow we stayed in was more beautiful than I had imagined. It was right on the beach and you could hear the crashing waves from bed. Highly recommend Padosa Bunglows! It is close enough to the night life that you can walk but then also right on a quiet beach that had hardly no one on it! The restaurants in the area were also amazing! For breakfast I had an omelet and the best iced coffee I have had yet in Thailand! Lunch was Pad Tai because I love it sooo much! The day was spent on the beautiful beach soaking up the sun and swimming in the perfect temperature water! I was in heaven! Then I got a massage on the beach for around $10 for one hour! Sooooo good. The massages here are too die for! Then that night we went up to the busier beach and had seafood feast with Jenna's Thai teacher friend! It's always so fun and nice to have Thai people with you that speak English and Thai because they can communicate things to our server easily and know of cool places to go, like this restaurant! We had scallops, shrimp, squid, rice, yummy spicy soup! It was amazing. The we got to watch a fire show, which I still can't believe! I was sweating standing 20 feet away from these guys and they were swinging poles of fire right in front of their faces! Very entertaining! Then we walked down the beach some more when dinner was over and sat on cushions on the beach drinking beer and buckets of vodka and redbull! Becky went back to the room because she wasn't feeling the best and the rest of us went back to Naga to spend the rest of the night! Once again we painted ourselves to glow and had a great night :) The next morning before hitting up the beach I got another massage. This one a real Thai massage. They are a little rough and put a lot of pressure on your muscles, but man does it feel good after! Then some beach time was a must again. Jenna and her friends rented motorbikes for the day, but I haven't built up enough courage yet to ride one myself, but it will happen soon....sorry mom :) I promise to be safe and wear a helmet! We caught the ferry around 3:00pm. It took around 45 minutes to get back to the main land. From there it was a 3 hour van ride to Bangkok, 20 min skytrain ride to my stop, and a 10 minute motorbike ride to my apartment :) One of the most relaxing and fun weekends, definitely want to go back to Koh Samet and all of the other islands!

Monday, December 7, 2015

Loi Krathong!

Loi Krathong was celebrated at my school and in the country of Thailand on November 25. Loi Krathong is a festival where people making floating baskets (Krathong's) of natural materials that are then floated on a river. When you put your Krathong in the river you make a wish as you release it. The Krathong's are all different but everyone I saw was very beautiful. The celebration at my school took place in the morning and the students were sent home a letter asking them to bring in a Krathong and dress in traditional Thai clothing. The kids looked sooooo cute! I have some pictures on my facebook of this celebration if you want to take a look at some pictures :) We filled a kiddie pool with water to imitate a river, and each student got a chance to release their Krathong into the pool. It was really fun to see the kids wearing their traditional clothing and partaking in a Thai tradition that I was unfamiliar with. This job has taught me so much about the thai culture, their lifestyle and values. Thailand is a place of freedom and peace because the people are brought up with traditions and values that teach them this lifestyle. They give thanks for everything they have in their life and this festival is another way to show their thanks. I knew there was going to be events all over the city but I was unsure about the proper one to go too, and I didn't want to offend anyone by doing something wrong. Teacher Boom at my school asked me what I was doing and I told her nothing. She asked if I wanted to join her and another teacher to go with them to release a Krathong. I was very excited because I would get a very authentic experience of this tradition. Boom bought me a beautiful Krathong for the night and I was very excited. Boom or any of the teachers speak much English so I was still unsure of how the night would go, or what our plans were exactly. I was trying to ask what was appropriate to wear, what they were wearing, what time we were going out and received very unclear answers, but when in Thailand you go with the flow. I did not understand the time they were trying to tell me we were going at so I told them I would wait at the school until they finished work. On a usual work day I leave around 4:30pm. The first day they told me to leave at this time and I wait every day for them to tell me when to leave so it usually ranges between 4:30-5:00. Well they finish around 6:30pm everyday. They have to wait at the school until the last parent comes and picks up their kid. So finally when Ploy got picked up we headed towards my apartment. They told me to change and I put on an outfit they liked so I stuck with that. Then they asked if I wanted to sleep at their house because it was in the city close to the festival. I packed a change of clothes and a toothbrush and off we went! I was excited for my first sleep over with my Thai friends! We jumped on the back of motorbikes to make our way downtown because they are much quicker than a taxi. Once downtown it began to rain so we stopped for some dinner first! Then off to a temple we went. There was so many people in this temple it was difficult to move. They had food stalls and music and a long line to get to the river. We waited until our turn came and we lit our candles and incense on the Krathong and then said a wish and placed the Krathong in the river. It was very special to be apart of that experience with them because I saw how important it is to them. They held those Krathong's to their heads and prayed before they made their wish. After, we got a snack and headed back to their home. I was excited for this as well because I had not yet been into a Thai home. I was curious how similar and different it would be compared to my home.We walked down an alley and it looked like the one I walk down to school. it contained the same boarded up areas, which I assumed were run down business. But these gates on the front are the lock system for the homes that people live in. We we walked in and right away they had a living room space then a restaurant. Then you walked up some stairs and there was some rooms and a bathroom which was on the patio with a bucket shower. That was interesting when I took one! Saves water though which is really good for the environment! They have a lower tap and you fill the bucket scrub yourself and then dump water on yourself. This is very common in Thailand. Then another set of stairs and some more rooms. The three of us slept in one bed and woke up at the crack of 5:00 am. Boom asked for my uniform so she could iron it for school, we showered and off to school we went. Everyday I arrive at 8:00am, they arrive at 6:30am and clean the school while the students begin to arrive around 6:45. I was amazed at the hours they work and how hard they work. It made me feel bad, but my coordinator assured me my hours were fine, but for my one day being there early I helped sweep the school and rake all the leaves off the playground area. It was tiring, but made me feel apart of the school community. The teachers have really made me feel welcomed by always inviting me along and making sure I am okay and comfortable while I'm with them.