Sunday, September 4, 2016

Teacher Appreciation Ceremony

In Thailand teachers are very well respected and every year in June the schools hold an appreciation ceremony to say thank you to all the hard working teachers. Our celebration was on June 16 and each student brings in a flower arrangement, which they often use for offerings to the monk or Buddha to present to us. All the teachers sat in a row at the front of the classroom and 1 student would kneel down say thank you and present us with their flowers. This was repeated until all the students had a turn to thank a teacher. This was such a special day and I felt so appreciated. I think this needs to be a holiday that comes to Canada, It makes the teachers feel amazing and also shows the students that teachers should be respected and that they deserve a thank you. The kids in Thailand always show respect to teachers everywhere! Even walking to school in the morning I pass the same little girl and her mom and even though she attends a different school she always Wai's (there sign of respect when saying hello) me. Some of these flower arrangements that were brought in amazed me!! They were so beautiful!!!! My one student Ethan also made a personalized card and single white rose to give to me. He is so sweet! Some of the mom's also brought in donuts, coffee and snacks for all the teachers. This is a day I will always remember because it was a day I really felt loved. I felt appreciated for all the hard work I do. The kids had fun too showing off the flowers they brought in and then kneeling down to the teachers to say thanks and then give them the flowers. Great ceremony that every school should participate in!

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