Friday, February 12, 2016

My Weekends at Home in Bangkok

The past month I have stayed in Bangkok most weekends to try and save money for my summer travels. Yes I want to make the most of this experience and travel every weekend, but it does take a toll on your body not getting sleep and spending hours on a bus on the weekends. I got a nasty virus and almost half the kids in my school got it as well so I took it easy for that weekend to try and get better. Most of the other weekends I spend with my friend Jenna. She is from London, Ontario and we met through a mutual friend I went to Laurier with. She messaged us both saying saying we should meet because we both live in Bangkok and now we are really good friends! She works at an International school and makes almost triple the money I do, so sometimes it is hard hanging out with her friends because they drop the cash hard! So I have to limit myself when I am with them but I always have so much fun and they are a great group of girls! We go to cool places for dinner I have never seen before which is always fun! They have been in Thailand 4 months longer than I, so they more about the area. We have some regular bars that we visit like the Aussie Bar and Cheap Charlies, these are mostly likely places I will show my dad and Debby when they come so they can get a taste of my new life in Bangkok. Jenna also took me along to a craft beer event called Brew Revolution! This was so much fun and exciting to drink craft beer again! It's not often (unless you want to spend a lot of money) to see draft beer, so most of the time I drink bottled Leo beer. It is one of the better Thai beers, but not as good as my draft beer from home. This event had food trucks too! We got some tacos to share and they were amazing! Jenna also introduced me to a cool place really close to my apartment. It is called W-District and is an awesome spot to hang out! It's a square shaped area and in the middle filled with tables, all around is surrounding by different food stalls. You sit down someone will get your drink order then you walk around and order whatever food you want, point in the direction of your table and they will bring it to you. I am in love with this place now and go often lol. Weekends in Bangkok also consist of me going to the movies! The movie theatres here are amazing and huge and I love it! And seeing a movie by yourself is rewarding. I always thought it would be embarrassing or lonely, but I like it! So far I have seen Star Wars and the 5th Wave. This weekend I will also be going again to see Deadpool! So excited it looks amazing! I have also been exploring by myself down market streets and eat way to much fresh fruit which I am obsessed with, and enjoy my own company. Bangkok is always so busy and so many events happen all the time you could never get bored in this beautiful city!